SlashSig     [ download ]


Update your Slashdot signature automatically!

Currently, you can update your sig with:

The intention is you can run it from crontab to automatically your signature to predefinted intervals.

Usage is such:

The inspiration is from Usenet & the various .sig tricks people would do. The most common was to make your .sig a named pipe that would automatically cycle through pitty quotes or something like that. Since we can't do that on Slashdot, we'll have to use cron & some HTTP communication.

If you can think of other things that would be neat to update your sig with, feel free to drop me an email (or even a patch -- the code is intended to make it simple to drop in new functionality like that).

Anyway, that's about it. To be honest, I'm kinda embarrased I wrote this. Devil, idle hands, and all that I guess.