August 08, 2006

Add to My Yahoo!

My new site

After leaving yahoo, I dorked around for a while with my daughter... just clearing my head and staying away from computers. i found it really amazing how refreshing a 1 month hiatus from touching a computer can be. i still had business school and did some minor house projects, but i tried to stay away from computers for a bit.

Then, I ran into 2 old friends at a coffee shop and starting working with them on It's an online scrapbooking website that lets people post videos, photos and stories about their children, and lets visitors sign a guestbook, leave comments, and join a mailing list for site updates. I *love* working on this site for several reasons. First, I totally dig looking at pictures of my daughter. Yeah, it's narcissistic - and I don't really care. Second, it's fun to get back to basics on a website. Third, it's fun to be one of three, and the one who's doing the most work on it day-to-day. So I deal with everything from ordering hardware, to thinking of new projects, to coding backend stuff, to frontend css/js stuff.

If you have kids, check it out. It's a really cool site and I've personally found it a great way to share memories with my friends and family around the country.

Of course, you should also check out my daughter at

Posted by dave at August 8, 2006 09:55 PM | TrackBack
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