December 06, 2005

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Calling all entrepreneurs in LA

At Anderson, the Entrepreneur Association periodically hosts "Brainstorming/Focus Group Lunches" to kick around ideas for businesses. I recently had the chance to attend one and it was pretty amazing. For 30 minutes, two guys presented their idea for a business. They are preparing to go in front of some VCs to get funding for their company (which they've been running for a year). The following 30 minutes, current Anderson students peppered them with questions, suggestions, thoughts, clarifications, new ideas, etc. It was really pretty amazing to see and participate.

So, if you have an idea, are in the LA area, and are willing to go in front of a group of 30 or so MBA students and pitch your idea, let me know. I can't guarantee that I can get you in but there's no harm in asking.

Posted by dave at December 6, 2005 11:00 PM | TrackBack

So, my idea involves the use of MBAs for food...

Posted by: crankykhayman at December 7, 2005 03:07 PM

hahaha. As long as it's MBAs from USC, then I think your idea might fly in this group.


Posted by: Dave at December 7, 2005 10:14 PM
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