April 26, 2005

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New pope, new tech?

I was talking with someone recently (I can't remember who) but we got on the topic of the Pope. I think it'd be cool if the new pope blogged. I'm not really Catholic (but I am raised Catholic), but I'd add a papal blog to my list of stuff to read. Seems like it might be kinda cool to hear the pope's take on world events in a more timely fashion. Perhaps I could get this information in some other way (maybe there's like a Vatican newspaper I could read), but, to be honest, I don't read many newspapers anymore. If it's not in a blog, an email, the select few magazines I read, or Jon Stewart, I probably haven't heard it.

On similar lines, Jeremy wondered:
Does the Pope use Paypal? (by Jeremy Zawodny)

Maybe Pope Benedict XVI could make his mark by embracing new technology. I think that'd be a pretty cool legacy for him to leave. Just imagine the progress... in 1992 John Paul II apologized to Galileo - 359 years after the Church condemned him at the Inquisition. But it would have taken the Church a mere 8 years to plug into blogs. (According to Wikipedia, blogs are 8 years old.) If that ain't progress, I don't know what is.

Posted by dave at April 26, 2005 11:10 PM | TrackBack

I wouldn't hold your breath for this guy. He's 78 you know. I don't know many 78 year-old bloggers. He shouldn't be there more than a few years though, so maybe the next one will be the first bloggin' pope.

Posted by: Jeff Boulter at April 27, 2005 08:01 AM

Mood: Angry
Music: Carmina Burana

Man, can you believe it? A week in office and I get my first head of state gift. And what does it turn out to be? A carton of eggs. I mean, sure I picked the saint of Hollandaise sauce, but is everyone going to use that joke? C'mon, be more original you lamerz.

Played GTA for three hours with Cardinal Vincetti just to blow steam. Smoked him. He's such a wuss.

Posted by: jr at April 30, 2005 02:20 PM
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