April 15, 2005

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This is why blogging is worthwhile

A ton of people have asked me "Why do you blog? Why does anyone blog?" I think Brandon's latest post, Feh.: addendum or the new butt pincer in my bathroom, gives an excellent answer. Ok, so maybe you need to know Brandon and Bill. But I think, even without knowing either of them, or me for that matter, you'll find this story funny. In the same way that you find David Sedaris' essays hilarious, you'll see Brandon as our own LA-based human comedy chronicler. And without blogs, you'd never, ever hear this story. (Unless you were hanging out chatting with them over beers some time.) And if you never heard this story, how would you find humor on a Friday afternoon?

Posted by dave at April 15, 2005 05:22 PM | TrackBack

Finally, I find Dave's blog. Content, great, color scheme... dude, this is SOOO 1999 ;-)

Posted by: Ben Margolin at April 19, 2005 01:47 PM


Posted by: uros2 at June 20, 2005 12:42 PM
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